Saturday, 18 September 1982 Sporting, Athens, Greece The Classical / Lie Dream of a Casino Soul / Tempo House / I Feel Voxish / Hip Priest / I'm Into C.B. / Mere Pseud Mag Ed / The Man Whose Head Expanded Incomplete from a radio broadcast. Billed as the "First Ever Festival of Independent Rock ‘n’ Roll." Took place in a basketball stadium and organised by Petros Moustakas. Birthday Party played the night before and New Order the night after. "Pilsner Trail" is mentioned in "Tempo House". On "I Feel Voxish", Marc Riley plays a guitar riff which would he would re-use with The Creepers on "Breakneck 1" from the "Fancy Meeting God!" LP.) (+ Room To Live / Cure By Choice + TMWHE / Jumper Clown) - "Feel the chubby round jowls... and (his joy) is as mad as a fucking hatter." (during "Tempo House") - [In cod-London accent] "Awright mate, I'm from London, just off the boat visiting some islands, you know what I mean?" (during "Mere Pseud Mag Ed")