Two 0 One Four. A selection of tracks recorded by hanleyfender during the year 2014. Gone To Venice Salford 2014-09-28 BAM (First One Today) Leeds 2014-11-28 Mister Rode Chelsea 2014-06-11 Pledge Chelsea 2014-06-12 Facebook Troll Leeds 2014-11-28 Jungle London 2014-11-27 Remainderer Salford 2014-09-27 Get Off The Phone Salford 2014-09-27 2014 (Auto Chip) London 2014-09-26 Cock in My Pocket Brighton 2014-09-25 Happi Song Manchester 2014-05-15 White Lightning Athens 2014-01-31 Dedication London 2014-09-26 Originally issued as a numbered CD and sent around to friends in 2015. I will be uploading my other two compilations ‘Out of the Fog’ and ‘A Man with No Ears’ in the next week or so to complete the set following Sussex Morning being shared last week. The complete gig recordings were upped to Dime at the time. All tracks recorded by hanleyfender XX