The Mighty Fall, Liverpool Carling Academy 10th March 2007 Taped by me in front of the mixing desk on a 7 year old sony minidisc mzr3 with sony pc62 mic. Straight to pc, normalised, nowt else, split with cdwav. Tracks per the bopper 1. New one? 2. My Door 3. Over Over 4. Pacifying Joint 5. FallSound 6. Hungry Freaks, Daddy 7. Sparta FC 8. Mountain Energei (inc tapers old mate saying hello and not gettin my drift re "i'm tapin the gig!!!) 9. White Lightning 10. Wright Stuff (EP vox, no MES, RB keys) encore 1: 11. Wrong Place, Right time 12. Reformation encore 2: 13 Systematic Abuse Lineup: MES Elena Tim Rob Dave Orpheo altfish, happy anniversary man! Corking gig, the band really together.If anyone else taped it with better quality please upload. Photos...nurled by astley...thx Tock