Sunday, 25 March 1979 Lyceum, London A Figure Walks / Before the Moon Falls / Underground Medicin / Music Scene £2.50 advance. The infamous Gig Of The Century, with Stiff Little Fingers, Gang of Four, Human League, Mekons, and the Good Missionaries (featuring Mark Perry). My first Fall gig, although I was there to see the Gang of Four and SLF. Mark was attacked by a stage invader during the first song but carried on with intensity. Here's an excellent review of the night by Charles Sharr Murray. - "This one's a slow one, dedicated to H.P. Lovecraft. The psychologist said that he thought the shadow was his father. The shad was his dad." (before "A Figure Walks") - someone: "(...) these dicks at the front?" (after "A Figure Walks") - "The next one's going to be cool, too, for my mother. It's Mother's Day: is that why you're all so uptight." (Underground Medicin)