The Fall - The Point, Cardiff Monday, 26th March 2007 01 senior twilight 02 my door 03 pacifying joint 04 fall sound 05 blindness 06 sparta fc 07 wrong place right time 08 over over 09 systematic abuse 10 wright stuff 11 white lightning 12 reformation 13 just step s'ways 1st generation recording by MJ (Otalgia) : Sony MZNH700 +Sony ECM-719 mic > Audacity (track splits) > Flac Level 8 A different recording of this gig was upped by Ocelet earlier this year. This is an alternate recording direct from my master using the 'Old Gear' as recommended by HPAFP. Not as good as Ocelets in my opinion, though a cleaner sounding Just step sideways, so worth downloading for that alone. Enjoy and buy the records! Otalgia (Starting a new 1 bit consortium!) Rework: - retracked - DC-offset removed - declicked