Friday, 19 June 1981 688, Atlanta, Georgia Prole Art Threat / Hip Priest / Deer Park / Lie Dream of a Casino Soul / An Older Lover, Etc / Leave the Capitol / Your Heart Out / Winter Incomplete? Clinton H.: "I remember when they returned to the stage for an encore, Mark E. Smith said 'The dressing room is locked'." "Like we played Georgia in America last year, y'know, the redneck place, and there was a packed hall when we went on, did about 2 numbers and everybody walked out. So we did the set and there was about 15 fucking people. So we were walking off and this redneck says to me "You dare go back on there boy" so I says "right lads, back on". We did and it was fucking great, we did about another quarter of an hour for about 5 people." - MES, 1982.