Saturday, 15 May 1982 Illuminated 666, Manchester [incomplete] 63Min SBD 8 of 10 The Man Whose Head Expanded / Session Musician / Look, Know / Middle Mass / Jazzed up Punk Shit / Solicitor in Studio / New Puritan / Just Step Sideways / Tempo House / Fantastic Life / Mere Pseud Mag Ed / (missing Backdrop) **This Version is missing "Backdrop" - "God save us from the Space Wars" - "The (...) smiling (goon) wants a little bit of loving." (before "Session Musician") - "You can see from the bit that his hair (...) been down that road before. And his broken teeth. Don't strike me, you!" (before "Middle Mass") - "The backdrop shifted until (none) of the group didn't know what song it was. Thought it was 'Good Times'." (during "Backdrop")