Muenchen 890214 Arri Studio(?), Off Beat Night source fm (Andreas D.) master TDK SA90 no dolby input +9db master cass > aiff > + 0.5db > flac8 (JB) (36:41) 01 Carry Bag Man 02 Wrong Place, Right Time 03 Tuff Life Boogie 04 Cab It Up! 05 Dead Beat Descendant 06 Squid Law 07 Totally Wired 08 Bremen Nacht 09 Lucifer over Lancashire 08 fade out/cut (FM Jingle edited out) 09 fade in Thanks to my Alster Connection I was happy to have gotten a cassette with this one for a nice transfer. It came straight from FM radio. The radio station has had a programme transmitting this gig which originated from German television. Maybe the recording is already in the circles but I am happy to bring along a decent master. Please no selling and no mp3 trading.