THE FALL 2010-08-21 Pully (Lausanne, Switzerland) For Noise Festival Source: Core Sound Binaurals > TASCAM DR-1 (16bits/44.1k) Lineage: SD card (WAV) > Mastering/Editing > WAV > Flac (level 8) o Tracklisting t01 t02 t03 t04 t05 t06 t07 t08 t09 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 Total running time: 1h03'07" o Notes I was moving around trying to find the right spot during the first song, so it sounds strange. And then, during track 3 (about 3:45 into it), there is a huge whoofing sound... this is Mark E. Smith pushing the bass player's amp to 11, as always. Other that that, very enjoyable! o Links