The Fall The Assembly Leamington Spa England 1st February 2017 Lineage: Church Audio CA11 cardioids>Church Ugly Battery Box>>Sony PCM-M10 (line-in, 24 bit, 44.1kHz) Transfer: Sony PCM-M10> usb > wav > Soundforge 9.0 (Selected hard limiting, Normalise, Fade-in/fade-out, 16 bit 44.1kHz)>CD Wave (Track splits)>FLAC>mp3tagv2.55a (Tag Flacs) Setlist 1. Wolf Kidult Man 2. Cowboy George 3. Zaptrack 4. Reece Stick 5. Dedication Not Medication 6. Fall Sound 7. First One Today 8. Second House Now 9. 9 out of 10 10.Auto Chip 2014-2016 11.Brillo 12.Encore Break 13.Fol De Rol Notes: Recorded next to left stack