The Fall. Brighton Concorde 2. Thursday 25th September 2014.   'They want us to stop playing'. Intro Gone to Venice The Remainderer Cowboy George I'm Not from Bury 2014 Get Off the Phone Hittite Man Dedication Mr. Rode Off stage Cock in My Pocket Outro (Andyh has already put up his recording of the gig on Dime here - )   I always enjoy The Fall in Brighton. The Concorde is just about the perfect size for a Fall gig and usually has very good sound, but the bit I like most of all is I getting my brother to drive me the 25 minutes along the coast, parking me right up next to the club. Good lad.   Big crowd, just short of capacity.   The band came on worryingly (but predictably)a bit late at around 10.20 but looked refreshed. I was instantly hit by a new found energy in MES and the band in general. The show  was absolutely blistering, consisting of the only set that would contain the big three of Rode, 2014 and Dedication, all of which were very well received by a lively mosh.  This seemed to give MES even more enthusiasm. MES was up to his usual on stage mixing techniques for much of the night as usual, and at one point he mixed Darren's drum kit by tipping it all over on the floor. Pretty standard stuff these days, and of course the sound was only improved. There was however one slightly bizarre moment when a female member of the audience attempted a stage dive. Unfortunately no one bothered and catch her.  We spotted her being assisted away after the show, limping badly and with a tortured expression. My brother enjoyed that immensely.   And then the band leaves after the main set and we await the usual encore. However, MES had overstayed his welcome at the C2 and apparently gone beyond the agreed time. I found out afterwards it all got very tense back stage and the management wanted the house lights up so their staff could go home to bed. Unperturbed by contractual agreements and other minor irritations, MES sends the band back on for a bit of Cock In Your Pocket. A thunderous finale to a brilliant show.   Highlights for me are 'the big 3', but it's all pretty faultless.   My brother even loved it. And he was stone cold sober. Linage = Sound Professionals-CMC-8 microphones mounted on Dalek hat #3 - Sound Professionsal-SPSB-10 battery box - Edirol R09 24 bit – Audacity (down to 16bit) - Wav Editor. Recorded on the right of the stage right in from of Elana’s unfeasibly large handbag.