Mark E. Smith (vocals), Brix E. Smith (guitar, vocals), Craig Scanlon (guitar), Steve Hanley (bass), Marcia Schofield (keyboards, backing vocals), Simon Wolstencroft (drums) Cruiser's Creek Terry Waite Sez Guest Informant US 80s-90s Mr Pharmacist Riddler! LA Lucifer over Lancs Shoulder Pads Gut of the Quantifier Gross Chapel - British Grenadiers Hot Aftershave Bop Prole Art Threat R.O.D. Hey! Luciani Living too Late Bombast 1h19m Audience Audio Recording Goodish audience recording once the sound-person has got their act together. All instruments well presented and vocals are very clear on most tracks - Mark tends to get lost in the sound scape where he is narrating rather than singing. Kicking off (after the madness of the People of Slough tape) with a fired up and sparky "Cruisers Creek", during which there are some feedback problems, it would be have a band in fine fettle and ready to kick bottom. A quick gallop, with again attendant microphone feedbackery, through a brash "Terry Waite" into a percussive "Guest Informant" of the highest quality into a slinky and noisy ramble through "US80s90s" leaves this reviewer breathless. The riffing on the latter is particularly memorable. The pace does not slacken with fine versions of "Pharmacist", "Riddler", "LA" and "Lucifer" (which Simon mistakenly starts a song earlier). The band appears to be attacking the material with a particular vigour tonight. Extended percussion intro for "Gut" allows Mark to indulge in some verbal dexterity before launching into an intensely speedy version underlain with a baleful organ patch. A lenghty "Gross Chapel etc" is a maelstrom of repressed eroticism and tangled guitar noise - a memorable listen as instruments fight each other for space in the tightening circle of the sound scape and Mark howls exponentially over the riff. The ability of the band to take a simple riff and turn into a musical masterpiece is never more better realised than here. Encores are numerous and plentiful - "Prole Art Threat" at a hideously fast pace is a highlight as is a stunning "R.O.D.". So you get most of "Bend Sinister" played live with considerable power and dexterity. Highly recommended.