Friday, 19 July 1985 W.O.M.A.D. Festival, Mersea Island, Essex Paintwork (very brief) / Wings / Bombast / Disney's Dream Debased / Couldn't Get Ahead / What You Need / L.A. / Smile / Gut of the Quantifier / Petty Thief Lout / Slang King / Spoilt Victorian Child // Kicker Conspiracy / Lay of the Land / Pat Trip DispenserFriday, 19 July 1985 W.O.M.A.D. Festival, Mersea Island, Essex Paintwork (very brief) / Wings / Bombast / Disney's Dream Debased / Couldn't Get Ahead / What You Need / L.A. / Smile / Gut of the Quantifier / Petty Thief Lout / Slang King / Spoilt Victorian Child // Kicker Conspiracy / Lay of the Land / Pat Trip Dispenser “ ' We’re The Fall and we’re from the first world’, sneered village shamen Mark E. Smith ... They played until past 2 am ..." [Gavin Martin, ‘It’s a WOMAD, mad, mad world’, NME, 27 July 1985, p. 7]. Peter Hammill also on the bill. Thanks to Steve G. for the wristband. - "... nuclear war, I'm going round to their house, 'cos they ain't had a hit yet! It's The Fall!" (compere's introduction) - "Good evening. We are The Fall and we are from the first world." - "Smelt like Holland, did it not? Smiles! Smile! Dances and asks for cigarettes, which is not bad in itself! Farmed environment list... environment list." (amended lyrics to "Smile") - "Could we have the beat, please?" (during the quiet part of "Smile") - "Have we got a drummer tonight or what?" (Karl Burns being a little slow with the opening of Gut of the Quantifier 'cos he was adjusting his hi-hat, leaving MES' vocals accompanied.) - "He said 'Hi' to Horst the Viking. 'Hi Horst, you dumb blonde fiend!'" (amended lyrics to "Slang King") - "Try to keep away from the keyboard backstage." (before "Kicker Conspiracy") - "First annual Anti-Townsend benefit." (during "Pat Trip Dispenser")