The Fall 666 Club Fennel Street Manchester UK 15th May 1982 AUD (Trax 1, 2, 9-12) SBD (Trax 3-8) Further source details unknown > low gen analog Transfer: low gen analog > BBE > Audacity (volume adjustments and editing as noted below) > WAV > CDWAVE (track) Transfer and tracking: Scott Simpson Received as tracked wav from Scott Simpson, December 2016 > TLH (flac, checksum) 01 The Man Whose Head Expanded 02 Session Musician 03 Look, Know 04 Middle Mass 05 Jazzed up Punk Shit 06 Solicitor in Studio 07 New Puritan 08 Just Step Sideways 09 Tempo House 10 Fantastic Life 11 Mere Pseud Mag Ed 12 Backdrop Running time [90:21] Thanks to the Manchester District Music Archive for the flyer. - "God save us from the Space Wars" - "The (...) smiling (goon) wants a little bit of loving." (before "Session Musician") - "You can see from the bit that his hair (...) been down that road before. And his broken teeth. Don't strike me, you!" (before "Middle Mass") - "The backdrop shifted until (none) of the group didn't know what song it was. Thought it was 'Good Times'." (during "Backdrop") Scott Simpson notes: Unusual because of its length. Over 90 minutes. Trax 1, 2, 9-12 from audience tape, middle six trax from mixing desk. Obviously trax 3-8 are fine and a keeper. Audience is problematic. Most likely taped with mic with limiter on, so there is NO dynamic range. I shaved down the audience volume between songs if only to find waypoints to split it. Also just a bucket of mud. I ended up turning the low end all the way down just to hear everything else. So now it’s passable, but a far cry below everything else I’ve transferred. But more jazzy and improv than you’re likely to hear elsewhere. A very loose concert. auto_pilot December 2016