Downloaded from Torrent URL : Fall gigography details : Sunday, 25 March 1990 Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham Error Orrori And Therein Jerusalem Sing! Harpy I'm Frank Telephone Thing Hilary Hit the North Chicago Now Black Monk Theme Popcorn Double Feature Deadbeat Descendant British People in Hot Weather Bremen Nacht Carry Bag Man Mr. Pharmacist U.S. 80's-90's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original torrent details: The Fall Trent Poly Nottingham 23rd March 1990 Source: Tape (low generations) > EAC > FLAC > YOU Info: Got this via a mate of mine who was clearing out and throwing it away !! He tells me that he taped on a walkman type stereo. I was with him at this gig but can't remember that much other than MES was as cool as ever. All I have done is pulled it off the audio tape. The quality is not that good and would benefit from some work. Well worth a listen. Any help with the take listing and cleaning up would be welcomed. Keep the faith !! The Fall Trent Poly Nottingham 25TH March 1990 Source: Tape (low generations) > EAC > FLAC Disc 1 1.Intro tape 2.Error Orror 3.And Therein 4.Jerusalem 5.Sing Harpy 6.I'm Frank 7.Telephone Thing 8.Hilary 9.Hit the North 10.Chicago Now 11.Black Monk Theme 12.Popcorn Double Feature 13.Dead Beat Descendant 14.British People in Hot Weather Disc 2 1. Bremen Nacht 2. Carry Bag Man 3. Mr. Pharmacist 4. US 80's,90's Thx Again.