The Fall. Wednesday, 21 March 2007 Irish Centre, Leeds "Showbiz, Rock n Roll man, Showbiz". Reformation Pacifying Joint Over! Over! Fall Sound Theme from Sparta FC Hungry Freaks, Daddy My Door Is Never The Wright Stuff off stage Blindness White Lightning Systematic Abuse off stage Mountain Energie What About Us This show was shared back in the day by The Consortium, however I can confirm this is is a different source recorded back then by my adopted son. I know this as this really isnt anywhere near as good as his. The crowd chatter at times is intollerable. Not because it ruins the overall enjoyment of this brand new as yet undiscovered Fall recording, but the chatter in in Yorkish. Offensive to anyone south of Watford as you know. You can't get more south of Watforf than me, so I'm very offended. They may well mention cricket, but who knows. It's all Dutch to me. After numerouse requestsn I have drawn a blank on any source detail. What I can say is this is very listionabable. Dont let the Northern chatter put you off. It's not bad at all. Stamp collecors can lick this down and stick it in the album. What was Smith thinking sarting with Reformation? These were the days when I rediscovered the marraige wreaking joys of The Fall, FHR into Post TLC. The Yanks and The Eagle. Our Eagle. You can have this on me. Not that I have any idea where it came from. Just who passed it to me. That's my boy XX