THE FALL - 1986-03-22 - Larry's Hideway, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (1st gen AUD - GREAT sound!) The Fall Larry's Hideaway, Toronto, Ontario,, Canada 22nd March 1986 Sourced from a 1st generation copy on Maxell XLII (Type II) cassette tape, exact equipment unknown, but definitely the tape recorder used was one of the Sony Walkman Professional recording series, and also the microphone must have been a very high quality one in respect of the purposes for audience recording. (Sorry about this, but I traded for this tape in 1986, and have lost the details of the exact recording equipment - although probably it was originally specified on the other trader's trading list - long since turned to dust). Known lineage :- Traded Maxell XL-II (Type II) source tape -> Aiwa ADF770 3-Head Cassette Deck -> SB Extigy soundcard -> CoolEdit Pro 2.1 -> WAV -> CD-R -> EAC -> WAV -> TLH -> FLAC 8 & .ffp Setlist: 1. Intro 2. Hot Aftershave Bop 3. Rowche Rumble 4. I Am Damo Suzuki 5. God Box 6. L.A. 7. Dktr Faustus 8. Hey Luciani 9. Draygo's Guilt 10. Bombast 11. Cruiser's Creek 12. 2 x 4 13. Spoilt Victorian Child 14. Disney's Dream Debased Total length of show: 73 minutes approx.